Sunday, May 4, 2014

Networking for the Week Ending February 28th, 2013

Attended the RJ Hashtags & Headlines luncheon on February 24, 2014. Don Snyder (UNLV), Rick Arpin (MGM), Jeremy Aguero (Applied Analysis) spoke at the RJ Luncheon on February 24th. Don Snyder strongly believes that the stadium is an important component for the future success of Las Vegas. LV is the only city of our size without a large stadium. Jeremy Aguero also agreed that it's important for the city's ability to attract events and tourist to town. Roughly 100 were an attendance, including Joe Brown, Tom Piechota (UNLV), Denny Weddle, Steve Schorr, John Restrepo, Debbie Donaldson and others.

Attended the Green Chamber of Commerce Breakfast which had two business speakers: Cartridge World and MobileTracking. There were over 40 in attendance including Matt Engle (Cragin & Pike), Nikki Dadlani (Chase) and others. It's a good cross section of businesses.

Attended the Association of Corporate Counsel luncheon which had an all-star presentation from Snell & Wilmer on legislative and political issues in the state, including two state senators (both work for Snell & Wilmer). Sam McMullen talked about how disastrous the Margin Tax Initiative will be on businesses and economic development in Nevada. George Ross spoke about medical issues. 

Ran the NevBio luncheon which had the new Tech Transfer Director at UNLV speak, Zach Miles, to an over flowing crowd. Zach gave a lively talk on bridging the gap between great ideas and discoveries to commercialization. His office is open to work with everybody. He is also looking to create a team in the community to help. At the meeting were Howard & Howard, Lionel Sawyer Collins, Greenberg Traurig, Bob Sidell Esq, Reza Karamooz (NVABC), Joe Vicente (Cord Blood), Mary LaFrance (UNLV Law School), Al Trivelpiece, Dr. Oliver Hemmers, Dr. Tim Porter (Dean of the UNLV College of Science) and Doug Geinzer (LV Heals).  

Attend the Las Vegas Indian Chamber talk on Medical Tourism. Talks were given on Medical Flights, Medicaid & from Sue Lowden. Numerous judges and community leaders were there. Judge Michael Villante, Judge Susan Johnson, Judge Bill Gonzalez, candidate for Judge Richard Scotti.  

John Laub

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