Sunday, May 4, 2014

Networking in Las Vegas for the Week Ending April 26, 2014 (NRA, NLV, Ruvo, Vegas Inc, Asian Chamber, AFP)

Attended the Downtown Grand Tour and Mixer at the Art Bar hosted by the Nevada Restaurant Association. Seth Schorr, CEO of Downtown Grand Hotel, gave the group a tour of the property which started on the 18th floor. We visited two beautiful, modern rooms. The hotel is positioning itself as a boutique hotel with 600 rooms. On the 3rd floor was the outdoor pool, patio and beer garden. (Non-guests are welcomed at the beer garden.) The Downtown Grand owns 3rd street and will close it down for special festivals. The Art Bar was hip with paintings on the ceiling and overlooked 3rd Street. About 60 attended the mixer.
Attended the public hearing on Medical Marijuana at the North Las Vegas Council Chambers. The hearing was to begin gathering information for dispensaries in North Las Vegas. The mayor and council members attended. State Senator Tick Segerblom and Chad Westom, State of Nevada Medical Marijuana Department spoke. Nevada is unique in that it requires testing and labeling of the medical marijuana. About 100 people attended the hearing.
Attended the lunch & learn on clinical trials at the Ruvo Center. The Cleveland Clinic has lunch & learns each Wednesday at 12 pm. Sam Hickson, Research Associate for Cleveland Clinic, talked about six current trials, all involving alzheimer's patients (although at times they have trials for other diseases).  Five of the trials were testing oral medical or infusions and one was a medical device that used magnetic energy to help the brain (apparently magnetic energy is being used to relieve migraines). The lengths of the trials can be months to several years. All of these trials help test and hopefully advance promising drugs and treatments for alzheimer's. As part of the presentation one of the caregivers (his wife has alzheimer's) talked about how important it is to be involved in medical trials and their personal story. Both were professionals in the Bay Area. She was the CEO of a large non-profit. Once they retired to Las Vegas they continued coaching executives until she began developing signs of memory impairment which led to a alzheimer's. They feel fortunate to have retired in Las Vegas which has the Cleveland Clinic Ruvo Brain Center. About 35 attended the talk, including Kelsey Zanoli of Roseman University.
Attended the Healthcare Headliners sponsored by Vegas INC at Ruvo Center. Numerous health care professionals were recognized including Renee Coffman of Roseman, Mitch Forman of Touro, and many others. The stories are moving as those in healthcare work to help people in a compassionate manner. Over 200 atteneded the event.
Attended the Asian Chamber of Commerce with Congressman Joe Heck. Joe talked the difficulties of moving legislation through the divided houses. He talked about healthcare, veterans, transportation, unmanned aerial vehicles and jobs. Over 250 attended the event, including Assistant Sheriff Joe Lombardo and numerous candidates for judicial office. 

Attended the Association of Fundraising Professionals luncheon which featured Anna Pikovsky Auerbach. She began her career at McKinsey & Co., advising CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. She has an MBA with honors at Harvard Business School.  Her talk was on strategic planning for non-profits (although the talk would have been appropriate for any organization). The key point is alignment - purpose and focus - for the board, mission and service area. Anna provide great handouts and examples. About 50 attended.
John Laub

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