Attended the Association for Corporate Counsel luncheon meeting featuring three attorneys from Howard & Howard, Kim Stein, Robert Rosenthal and James Kohl on "Problems that You Didn't Know You Had." Insightful presentations on 1) how to protect you and your company with a proper social media policy (update your employee manual & comply with the rules under the Fair Labor Act) , 2) when putting data on the cloud (using a data storage company) a) involve legal as part of the process and b) make sure that your company retains ownership of their data and 3) step up to protect your rights when a vendor declares bankruptcy. Make sure you file a claim promptly and work with counsel to exert your rights.
Attended the Sunrise Hospital lecture by Dr. Charles St. Hill on Liver Health. Many things can affect your liver such as Hepatitis B & C, Alcohol, Smoking, Diabetes and diet. One of the problems with liver cancer is that until the tumor is large enough to push against an organ, there is no way to feel it (it's painless). If you are prone to liver cancer, it was suggested that you be tested on a regular basis. Brendan Bussmann helped run the talk.
Attended the Exploding Stars lecture at the UNLV Physic's Department that is underwritten by Russell Frank. The presentation was better than the last three episodes of Cosmos. Exploding stars are important because they create the elements needs for carbon-based life. Al Trivelpiece and over sixty others attended.
Attended the Nevada Biotechnology & Health Science luncheon on Medical Marijuana had a packed house. Over 57 people attended the talks by Dr. Martin Schiller and State Senator Tick Segerblom. Both talks were very lively and at times, humorous. Dr. Schiller focused on how cannabis sativa interferes with the neurotransmitters in the brain. He stated that there over 50 different chemicals that can affect the body in cannabis. The cannabidiol (CBD) in marijuana has a medicinal effect without the psychoactive "high". Tick Segerblom talked about how the polls in Nevada show that 80% approve medical marijuana and over 50% approve legalizing marijuana. He believes that the law did not authorized enough marijuana dispensaries (40 in Southern Nevada). He said that a petition is being circulated in Nevada for full legalization. A number of entrepreneurs, scientists, medical professionals, drug rehab and lawyers attended. Candidates for Judges - Jim Crockett and Linda Marquis attended saying that they wanted to better understand the issues.
Attended the public lecture at the UNLV Law School with Frank Fahrenkopf, founder and former president of the American Gaming Association. Don Snyder, President of UNLV opened up the talk. Richard Bryan, former US Senator, also had a few choice words to say. Frank talked about the history of gaming, its current status and issues affecting the industry. He believes that internet gaming won't be as big as expected. Also attending were Joe Brown, Adam Laxalt (candidate for AG), Jeff Silver, Steve Schorr (RJ), Gov. Bob Miller, Professor Bill Thompson, Jonathan Ullman (Mob Museum) Steve Lake, Frank Schreck, Annette Teijeiro (Candidate for Congress) and 60 others.
Attended the Desert Research Dinner featuring the Nevada Medal Winner Albert Lin, PhD, who discovered Genghis Khan's tomb in Mongolia. Dr. Lin gave a great presentation on his trip to Mongolia. Dr. Lin had several messages - to follow your passion and to think out of the box. He used Crowdsourcing to help him find the tomb. He put satellite photographs on line and several million people analyzed and voted where they thought he should looked (it worked). I sat with the Atomic Testing Museum which included Mark Hall-Patton (Pawn Stars) and Allan Palmer, Director. Also, in attendance, Governor Brian Sandoval, Regent Kevin Page, Mayor John Lee, County Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani, Henderson City Councilperson Debra March, Justin McVay (UNLV) and Lesley McVay (Switch), Mike Wixom (Regent), Joe Brown and hundreds of others.
Attended the UNLV-NSTec Sympositum at UNLV. Don Snyder opened up the symposium, Tom Piechota, UNLV VP of Research, introduced the main speaker, US Assistant Secretary of Nuclear Energy, Dr. Peter Lyons. Lyons, an MIT graduate, grew up in Boulder City, NV. The push by the department is for safe nuclear energy. Four new Westinghouse AP 1000 are being built in the United States. The reactors can operate for three days in a crisis without a problem. In comparison the Fukushima reactor needed operator intervention in 30 minutes. The department is also pushing SMRs (small modular reactors) that can be built in factories and are easier to control. He said the US needs a permanent nuclear repository but it needs to be consent driven. The citizens of that city and/or state must want it. He said that Yucca Mountain was off the table. Over 60 attended the symposium, including Zane Wilson (GMIS), Francis Tsang (GMIS), Mike Mohar (NSTec), Mike Maier (TBAN) and Steve Curtis (DRI).
John Laub
John Laub
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